Yaxham Village Amenities Association Operational Policies

Click one of the links below to take you to that particular policy

  1. Children, Young People & Vulnerable Adults Protection Policy
  2. Safeguarding Reporting Procedure
  3. GDPR Policy
  4. Equal Opportunities Policy
  5. Tree and Maintenance of Opens Spaces Policy
  6. Fundraising Policy
  7. Volunteer Policy
  8. Village Hall Terms and Conditions of Hire

Reviewed May 2019

Next Review Date May 2020


Yaxham Village Amenities Association

YV AA: Children, Young People & Vulnerable Adults Protection Policy

Named Safe Guarding Person for 2019 – 2020;

Chairman of Trustees Peter Smith email; yaxhamvh@gmail.com Tel; 01362 694508

This statement of policy and procedures applies to users of, and activities held in, Yaxham
Village Hall.

The purpose of this policy is to:

  • Protect children and young people who receive services or attend activities at Yaxham Village Hall.
    This includes the children of adults who use the Hall.
  • Protect vulnerable adults who receive services or attend activities at Yaxham Village Hall
  • Provide the Trustees, event and activity organisers, staff and volunteers with the overarching principles that guide our approach to the Safeguarding of Children, Young People & Vulnerable Adults.
  1. Legal and Regulatory Framework
    This policy has been drawn up on the basis of legislation, policy and guidance that seeks to protect children, young people and vulnerable adults in England. A summary of the key legislation and guidance is available from;
  2. Reporting of concerns – See Annex 1.
    Attention is drawn to the Norfolk County Council guidelines which will be followed to ensure that all activities are suitably upervised, and how concerns should be reported:
    https://www.norfolk.gov.uk/care-support-and-health/protecting-someone-from-harm/help-an- adult -at-risk -of-harm/report -a-concern
  3. We believe that:
    1. children and young people should never experience abuse of any kind
    2. we have a responsibility to promote the welfare of all children, young people and vulnerable adults, to keep them safe and to practice in a way that protects them.
  4. We recognise that:
    1. the welfare of the individual is paramount
    2. all children, young people and vulnerable adults, regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation have a right to equal protection from all types of harm or abuse
    3. some children, young people and vulnerable adults, are additionally vulnerable because of the impact of previous experiences, their level of dependency, communication needs or other issues
    4. working in partnership with children, young people, vulnerable adults, parents, carers and other agencies is essential in promoting their welfare.
  5. We will seek to keep children young people and vulnerable adults, safe by:
    1. valuing, listening to and respecting them
    2. developing protection and safeguarding policies and procedures which reflect best practice
    3. using our safeguarding procedures to share concerns and relevant information with agencies who need to know, and involving children, young people, vulnerable adults, parents, families and carers appropriately.
    4. creating and maintaining an anti-bullying environment and ensuring that we have a policy and procedure to help us deal effectively with any bullying that does anse.
    5. sharing information about child protection and safeguarding best practice with children, their families, staff and volunteers in the most appropriate manner.
    6. recruiting staff and volunteers safely, ensuring any necessary checks are made
    7. providing effective management for staff and volunteers through supervision, support, training and quality assurance measures
    8. implementing a code of conduct for staff and volunteers using our procedures to manage any allegations against staff and volunteers appropriately ensuring that we have effective complaints and whistleblowing measures in place
    9. ensuring that we provide a safe physical environment for our children, young people, vulnerable adults staff and volunteers, by applying health and safety measures in accordance with the law and regulatory guidance
    10. recording and storing information professionally and securely, and in accordance with our GDPR Policy.
  6. Related policies and procedures
    This policy statement should be read alongside our organisational policies and procedures, these are available for inspection in Yaxham Village Hall, at www.yaxhamvillagehall.co.uk or by request to yaxhamvh@gmail.com
  7. Any concerns relating to these issues should be made to the Chair of Trustees at yaxhamvh@gmail.com Tel: 01362 694508 We are committed to reviewing our policy and good practice annually.

Date Policy Reviewed:

May 20 19 (as amended)

Next Review Date: May 2020

Signed: ………….Peter Smith……………………

Peter Smith Chair of Trustees

Date 10th June 2019



Yaxham Village Amenities Association Annex 1

Named Safe Guarding Person for 2019 – 2020;

Chairman of Trustees Peter Smith email; yaxhamvh@gmail.comTel; 01362 694508


  1. Procedures for Safeguarding
    1. Any Village Hall organised events/activities where unsupervised children, young people or vulnerable adults are present will have at least one committee member with appropriate experience, training and full DBS check in attendance.
    2. Groups and individuals hiring the hall are responsible for their own safeguarding arrangements. The Hall’s responsibility is to ensure that anyone who runs events or activities specifically for Children, Young People or Vulnerable Adults have the appropriate levels of disclosure, supervision and training.
    3. Groups which serve the under 3, 3 – 5 and 5 – 11 age groups will follow the Ofsted guidelines for levels of supervision. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/ofsted-safeguarding-policy
    4. Attention is drawn to the Norfolk County Council guidelines which will be followed to ensure that all activities are suitably supervised, and how concerns maybe reported. Children and young people:
      Vulnerable Adults
    5. If any member of the committee or hall user has concerns about the behaviour or actions of anyone associated with the hall they should immediately inform the Named Safeguarding Person or Chair of Trustees. Failure to share information could result in a ban from the hall. Anyone acting in an unsafe or unwise manner will be subject to referral to the relevant authorities, (see 1.7), and a similar ban according to a decision made by at least 3 Trustees.
    6. If a disclosure is made to a hall user it will be recorded. Leading questions should not be asked but a clear factual record made of what has been disclosed. If a concern is noticed, (such as evidence of physical abuse, severe neglect or distress), this should be reported in the same way as for disclosures. All referrers should follow the summary guidance:
      1. Record the time and date
      2. Don’t promise to keep what you’re told a secret
      3. Tell the child or young person what you will do next
      4. Don’t make promises you cannot keep
    7. All disclosures should be immediately reported to the Named Safeguarding Person for the relevant group who will in tum inform relevant authorities. Where appropriate, responsible adults (i.e. parents, guardians and carers), will be informed unless such a disclosure would cause significant distress or threat to the individual making it. This decision will be made by the relevant safeguarding Named Safeguarding Person.
    8. Confidentiality cannot be promised in any case where an individual may be in danger of any form of abuse. Abuse can include physical, sexual, emotional or neglect. Staff and
    • This policy is fully supported by the trustees and will be monitored and reviewed annually.

The successful implementation of this policy depends on the awareness and commitment of all trustees and volunteers. Hence, all new staff/volunteers/trustees will be made aware of its existence and on joining the organisation, and reminded they must conform with it on a
regular basis.

Related policies and procedures

  1. This policy statement should be read alongside our organisational policies and procedures, these are available for inspection in Yaxham Village Hall, by email to yaxhamvh@gmail.com or at https://www.yaxhamvillagehall.co.ukor
  2. Any concerns relating to these issues should be made to the Chair of Trustees at yaxhamvh@gmail.com

We are committed to reviewing our policy and good practice annually.

Date Policy Reviewed:

May 2019

Next Review Date: May 2020

Peter Smith

Signed: ……………………………………………………………………………………………. .

Peter Smith Chair of Trustees

Date 28th May 2019

Further advice and support

At any stage you may wish to seek further advice or support from the following sources:

Child Protection: NSPCC – www.nspcc.org.uk or 0116 234 7223
NSPCC Child Protection Helpline – 0808 800 5000

Criminal Records Bureau – www.disclosure.gov.uk

Vulnerable Adults Protection: Action on Elder Abuse – helpline 0808 808 814




Yaxham Village Amenities Association

YV AA: Privacy Policy: Policy and Procedure for General Data Protection Regulation
28th May 2018 [GDPR]


This policy and associated procedures sets out how YV AA intends to carry out its obligations under the Data Protection Act known as GDPR which came into force on the 25th May 2018.

YV AA Policy:

  1. Information held by YVAA.
    YV AA can hold information on its members – residents of Yaxham aged 16 years and over who are automatically members by virtue of their residence as per the Trust Deed of 1978, as amended. This must be lawful and obtained for the purposes of YV AA and be adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purpose[ s] for which it is processed. For YV AA this can include name, address, gender, Email address, telephone number upon which a member might be reachable and from time to time a photograph in which they appear taken in connection with an YV AA event. YV AA does not hold financial or employment details.
  2. The lawful use for which data is processed is to enable the business of the Association to be conducted, primarily to advise members of events, happenings, for communicating the quarterly newsletter, Notice of Meetings, details of the AGM and other items of local news which is likely to be of interest to members.
  3. Usable information will be obtained from a member and may be used by The Trustees, Officers or members of the General Management Committee in connection with YV AA business. Such information may be obtained by direct contact, by Email, in similar electronic format or in writing. It can only be used if the member has given his/her consent to YV AA and members must opt in, for example, to the Email list which is used to advise of events, happenings and for distributing the quarterly Newsletter, Yaxham Community News. GDPR prohibits the “opt out” form of consent having been given unless a person says otherwise.
  4. Information held may be shared amongst members if it is compatible with the purposes of the organisation or is already in the public domain. However, it will not be shared without the consent of the person to whom it applies for a specific purpose unless it is required legally or in a return to a designated organisation such as the Charity Commission, Grant Awarding Bodies, Breckland Council etc., who themselves are subject to GDPR. It will not be shared for commercial purposes.
  5. Personal data shall be accurate and, where necessary, be kept up to date and relate to the purposes of YV AA. Data may be stored electronically or in paper form by the Trustees and/or Officers ofYV AA. Electronic storage must be protected against unauthorised or unlawful processing, destruction or accidental loss. To this end YV AA data back-up will be kept on designated storage devices which are encrypted by password, stored securely. Paper storage must be adequately filed and stored securely and privately.
  6. A breach of the GDPR where individual data is compromised must be reported to YV AA who, in tum, must contact the Information Commissioner’s Office within 72 hours. This only applies where there is a risk to an individual, damage to reputation or loss of confidentiality.
  7. Members have the right to withhold their personal information indicated in Paragraph 1 above. They may do so either by refusing to give consent or by notice in writing to the YV AA Data Processor [DP]. They may request to see what data is held on them by YV AA by contacting the DP for which there is no charge and which would normally be returned within one month. If the request is unfounded, excessive or identity cannot be verified YV AA may refuse but must explain why.
  8. Since they are not full members of YV AA no personal information will be collected for persons under the age of 16 unless it is for a specific YV AA purpose and receives parental/guardian/carer consent in writing or by Email.
  9. Whilst this is unlikely in any event no data can be transferred to a country or territory outside the EU.
  10. Related policies and procedures  This policy statement should be read alongside our organisational policies and procedures, these are available for inspection in Yaxham Village Hall, at www.yaxhamvillagehall.com or by request to yaxhamvh@gmail.com
  11. Any concerns relating to these issues should be made to the Chair of Trustees at yaxhamvh@gmail.com

We are committed to reviewing our policy and good practice annually.


Date Policy Reviewed:

May 2019

Next Review Date: May 2020

Signed: Peter Smith……………….. .

Peter Smith Chair of Trustees
Date 28th May 2019

Further advice and support

At any stage you may wish to seek further advice or support from the following sources:
https://ico.org. uk/for-organisationsl guide-to-data-protectionl guide-to-the-general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

https://ico.org. uk/media/for-organisations/data-protection-reform/overview-of-the-gdpr-1-13.pdf



Yaxham Village Amenities Association

Equal Opportunities Policy

Yaxham Village Amenities Association recognises that everyone has a contribution to make to our society and a right to equal opportunity, in accordance with The Equality Act 2010 https://www.gov.ukIguidance/eguality-act-2010-guidance.

  1. No job applicant or employee, member, volunteer or organisation/individual to which we provide services will be discriminated against by us on the grounds of:
    1. gender (including sex, marriage, gender re-assignment);
    2. race (including ethnic origin, colour, nationality and national origin);
    3. disability;
    4. sexual orientation;
    5. religion or belief;
    6. age.
  2. We aim to promote equal opportunities, eliminate discrimination and eliminate harassment through the following:
    1. Opposing all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination.
    2. All employees (whether part-time, full-time or temporary), volunteers, members, and beneficiaries will be treated fairly and with respect.
    3. Membership will be open to all.
    4. All vacancies will be advertised internally and externally simultaneously and will include a statement on equal opportunities.
    5. Selection for employment/volunteering, promotion, training or any other benefit will be on the basis of aptitude and ability. All selection/rejection decisions will be recorded.
    6. All employees/volunteers/members will be helped and encouraged to develop their full potential and the talents and resources of individuals will be fully utilised to maximise the efficiency of the organisation.
    7. All employees/volunteers/members have a legal and moral obligation not to discriminate and to report incidents of discrimination against any individual or group of individuals to the trustees.
  3. Our commitment:
    1. To create an environment in which individual differences and the contributions of all our staff, volunteers, trustees and beneficiaries are recognised and valued.
    2. Every employee, volunteer, trustee and beneficiary is entitled to be part of an environment that promotes dignity and respect to all. No form of intimidation, bullying or harassment will be tolerated.
    3. Training, development and progression opportunities are available to all staff/volunteers.
    4. Equality is good management practice and makes sound sense. Breaches of our equality policy will be regarded as misconduct and could lead to disciplinary proceedings or membership disqualification.
    5. This policy is fully supported by the trustees and will be monitored and reviewed annually.The successful implementation of this policy depends on the awareness and commitment of all trustees and volunteers. Hence, all new staff/volunteers/trustees will be made aware of its existence and on joining the organisation, and reminded they must conform with it on a regular basis.

Related policies and procedures

  1. This policy statement should be read alongside our organisational policies and procedures, these are available for inspection in Yaxham Village Hall, by email to yaxhamvh@gmail.com or_at https://www.yaxhamvillagehall.co.ukor
  2. Any concerns relating to these issues should be made to the Chair of Trustees at yaxhamvh@gmail.com

We are committed to reviewing our policy and good practice annually.

Date Policy Reviewed:

May 2019

Next Review Date: May 2020


Peter Smith

Signed: ………………………….Peter Smith………………………………………………………………… .

Peter Smith Chair of Trustees

Date 28th May 2019

Further advice and support

At any stage you may wish to seek further advice or support from the following sources:

Child Protection: NSPCC – www.nspcc.org.uk or 0116 234 7223
NSPCC Child Protection Helpline – 0808 800 5000

Criminal Records Bureau – www.disclosure.gov.uk

Vulnerable Adults Protection: Action on Elder Abuse – helpline 0808808814




Yaxham Village Amenities Association

YV AA: Policy for Trees and the Maintenance of Public Open Spaces


  1. YV AA wishes to protect and enhance the Parish’s environment and with this in mind will maintain the trees for which it is responsible and encourage tree planting in suitable locations.
  2. For the trees on YV AA owned land:-
    1. The Chair of Trustees will obtain the YV AA’s approval for all significant work, at a YV AA Committee meeting.
    2. The Chair will:-
      1. Where applicable take advice from the Breckland Council’s Arboricultural Officer;
      2. Ensure that the proposed work conforms to any relevant legislation, in particular that applying to the Conservation Area;
      3. Ensure that the work is carried out by suitably qualified and equipped persons
      4. Where the anticipated expenditure exceeds £500 obtain three quotations.
  3. Proposals to plant trees on YV AA-owned land should be brought before the YV AA with information regarding the eventual height and spread, and the suitability of the species on the particular site.
  4. Staff will not carry out any work on trees not located within YV AA-owned land, except with the landowner’s permission.
  5. An annual visual inspection of the site will take place in the spring, and the advice of a qualified arboriculturalist will be sought if there are concerns raised.
  6. A full inspection will take place every two years by a qualified arboriculturalist.

Maintenance of Public Open Spaces

  1. The YV AA will only cut overhanging branches with the explicit permission of the owner of the land from which the branches are growing, and with the permission of the owner of the land, e.g. the drive over which the branches are hanging.
  2. Annually, the YV AA will spray the car park with weed killer so as to stop nettles and other plant growth and to extend the life of the tarmac pavements.
  3. Annually the YV AA will ensure the Play Space is maintained and checked by ROSPA to meet legal requirements.
  4. The YV AA will ensure the Memorial Garden is kept in good order.

We are committed to reviewing our policy and good practice annually.

Date Policy Reviewed: May 2019
Next Review Date: May 2020

Signed: ……………………………………………………………………………………. .




Yaxham Village Amenities Association


  1. It is the policy of YV AA to raise funds for:-
    1. The provision and sustainability of social facilities as per the 1978, as amended, Trust Deed.
    2. The routine maintenance of the Village Hall
    3. The potentially significant capital expenditure which a building of the vintage and construction type of the present hall inevitably attracts
  2. YV AA aims to achieve these goals by:-
    1. Having Fundraising as a regular agenda item for meetings of the Trustee and Management Committee;
    2. Regularly reviewing the opportunities for Grant Funding;
    3. Researching opportunities for e.g. music concerts, suppers and wine tastings to provide innovative attractions to residents;
    4. Hosting regular monthly socials for residents, their families and friends;
    5. Hiring to third parties for community activities e.g Quizes, Community Coffee Mornings, Keep Fit, Women’s Institute, Tai Chi, Choral Rehearsals, with hire charges regularly reviewed;
    6. Hiring to Community Providers e.g for elections, meetings of Yaxham Schools, Police Liaison etc;
    7. Where appropriate running Raffles and Produce Auctions as part of events
    8. Working to support the Directors of Yaxham Village Community Company, the operators of the licenced Bar facility.
    9. Regular reviews of fmancial reports to assess the availability and propriety of moving further funds into a ring fenced account for maintenance, improvements and equipment replacement;
    10. Publishing and updating a rolling Programme of Events to be held at the Village Hall, available on the website, Facebook and in “Yaxham Community News”, the regular newsletter of YV AA.

We are committed to reviewing our policy and good practice annually.

Date Policy Reviewed:

May 2019

Next Review Date: May 2020

Peter .Smith

Signed: ……………..Peter Smith…………………………………………………………………………….. .

Peter Smith Chair of Trustees

Date: 28th May 2019



Yaxham Village Amenities Association is the registered charity running Yaxham Village Hall, Recreation Ground and facilities Charity Registration 275133


Yaxham Village Amenities Association believes in equal opportunities and diversity. We strive to deliver a varied and diverse range of activities within the Hall which promote a community spirit.

Our main objective is to make the Village Hall the social hub of our community for everyone within the village and the surrounding areas.


Yaxham Village Amenities Association seeks to involve volunteers to:

  • Ensure our events meet the needs of our community.
  • Ensure the community are actively involved in our Village Hall.
  •  Provide opportunities for all ages of the community to develop new skills and perspectives.
  • Increase our contact with more people in the community.


  • The YV AA will ensure that volunteers are made to feel welcome and included and that their contribution, on whatever level, is facilitated to enable them to contribute to the YVAA’s work with a feeling of positive outcome
  • The YV AA expects that the committee works positively with each other and with all other volunteers.
  • The YV AA will actively seek to attract and involve volunteers in their work.
  • The YV AA recognises that volunteers require appreciation and satisfaction for their contribution and we will seek to help volunteers meet these needs.
  • The YV AA will provide any training required and will ensure there is a safe and pleasant environment to work in. In addition to this;
  • Volunteers will be expected to have an understanding of and commitment to our equal opportunities policy, our safeguarding policy, our GDPR policy and our health and safety policy.
  • Volunteers are required to observe confidentially where appropriate and/or requested.

This policy should be reviewed every 3 years.


Yaxham Village Hall – Terms and conditions to hire.

The YVAA (Yaxham Village Amenities Association) committee does not wish to impose undue restrictions on the enjoyment and use of the Hall. However, there is a need to ensure that all parties help to maintain the premises in good condition for the benefit of all Hall users. These terms and conditions are intended to contribute to this goal.

Booking Conditions

All bookings must be made through the booking secretary on the correct form. The period of hire must include the time to set up and clear down; YV AA reserves the right to charge for any use of the Hall outside the specified hours.  Keys can be collected up to 15 minutes before the agreed hire time. The person by whom the booking form is signed shall be considered to be the hirer and must be over the age of 21. Where a hiring is on behalf of an organisation, the hirer shall have taken to have authority to bind that organisation and that organisation also shall be considered the hirer and shall be jointly and severally liable with the person who signs the application form. The
hirer shall use the hall solely for the purpose(s) specified on the booking form.

Bar Facility

A licensed bar can be made available at a £50 extra charge provided the hirer agrees to abide by the licensing laws. Please fill in the relevant part on the booking form. No alcohol is to be brought into the Hall that has not been purchased from the Bar.

Fire and Safety Regulations

Hirer’s attention is drawn to the fire notices displayed in the premises. They should ensure that all users are made aware of these notices and the actions to be taken in case of fire. All exit doors should be tested to ensure they open without difficulty and should not be obstructed during the hire period. All exits should be unlocked and doors fitted with self-closing mechanisms should not be wedged open. Under no circumstances is smoking permitted on the premises. The fire authorities have imposed a restriction on the maximum number of persons that may use the premises at anyone time, including staff and performers:-

David Myhill room – 50, Hall when used for dancing or a closely seated audience – 150, when used for functions utilising seating at tables – 110. Church room – currently unavailable – Community Room 50 seated 75 inc standing

The hirer shall ensure that highly flammable substances are not brought into or used in any part of the premises and that no internal decorations of a combustible nature (e.g polystyrene, cotton WOOl) shall be erected without the consent of the YVAA. No gas bottles or naked flames (other than for reasonable use such as birthday cakes etc.) are to be used without permission in writing form the YV AA.

Care of Premises

Other than fixings provided, no additional methods of securing (such as drawing pins, tacks, nails or adhesive) are to be used for decorations, banners etc on ceilings and walls. No modifications or alteration to the electrical and plumbing systems or equipment are to be made without permission in writing from the YVAA. On leaving the premises hirers must ensure that all electrical appliances and lights are switched off, all wash basin and kitchen taps are turned off. Please ensure that all tables and chairs are put back as you found them. Hirers are asked to maintain
the cleanliness and remove all rubbish and residues caused by their use of the premises prior to leaving. Please put rubbish in the relevant bins provided at the side of the Hall, any glass bottles should be put in the bottle bank at the car park entrance. Where the hall is left dirty and rubbish not removed then the cost of rectification may be deducted from the deposit. Please ensure the premises are secure and all windows and doors are locked.


Hirers shall indemnify the YVAA committee against any and all damage to property and persons resulting from the hirer’s use of the premises, howsoever caused. Hirers are urged to ensure they have the necessary insurance in place to cover their activities whilst using the Hall. Hirers are also responsible for ensuring all statutory regulations covering their activities are observed including regulations applying to employment, safety and access for physically or mentally handicapped persons, as may be applicable to the hirer’s activity, whilst on the premises. Yaxham Village Hall has Health and Safety and child protection policies which must be strictly observed. Details of both can be obtained from the secretary. The YV AA reserves the right to cancel a hiring in the event of the Hall being required for use as a Polling Station for a Parliamentary or local Election, in which case all payments / deposit paid will be refunded without further liability to the YV AA.

Yaxham Village Hall is managed by the YVAA which is a registered charity No: 275133